A Family Owned & Operated
Horse Boarding Facility and lots more :)
Welcome to Saratoga Farms
Tenant Guidelines
Welcome to Saratoga Farms
Tenant Guidelines
- All garbage should be put in dumpster, don't use garbage pails around the farm for personal garbage.
- Brake down all boxes before putting in dumpster.
- Don't leave any garbage around the dumpster. Driver does not get out of the truck, must be in dumpster.
- Garbage truck comes every Wednesday morning.
Livestock on the Farm
- Do not feed any of the animals on the farm. Some of the animals have special needs, diets and allergies to certain foods.
- Mailbox is at top of driveway, take what belongs to you and leave the rest in the mailbox,
- When packages are delivered, they are left either in front of the garage or on the houses front deck.
Driving on the farm
- always drive slow on the property - real slow. There are always animals and children running around.
- Don't drive thru riding arena.
- Keep the area where you live clean and free of any garbage or excess stuff.
- The pool on the farm is not available